Conversion Rate Optimization Services

Conversion Rate Optimization

A website conversion occurs when a visitor completes a predetermined action on the website, such as filling the contact form, submitting quote request, purchasing product or service, or registering for a newsletter. The conversion rate is determined by dividing the total website conversions by the total visitors. Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of improving the conversion rate of the website.

Conversion rate optimization has become a standard routine for many websites. For an e-commerce website, a slight increase in conversion rate has the potential to increase the website revenue manifolds.

To get started with conversion rate optimization, you must identify where your visitors are losing interest in your website. Also, see if there are any sections where your visitors get stuck. There are a number of tools that are used for CRO.

A web analytics software, such as Google Analytics allows you to analyze the behavior of visitors on your website. For instance, you can determine the amount of time for which people stay on the website, the page that is most frequented by visitors, and pages that have the highest exit rate. Make sure that Google Analytics is properly set up for your website. By analyzing your website using this tool, you can get key insight about the website performance. Additionally, you can also configure the software to track conversions on the website.

After configuring the analytics program for your website, simply set a date range wherein your website was visited by a significant number of visitors, say more than 1000. Analyze the web pages by bounce rate to find out pages that are losing the highest number of visitors.

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